Placentitis in mares, how to diagnose and treat it to obtain a viable foal.




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Fundación Universitaria Agraria de Colombia


La placentitis es una patología infecciosa que afecta directamente la placenta causando abortos, mortinatos, partos prematuros y/o potros comprometidos, es frecuentemente diagnosticada y se estima que, en cuanto a perdidas gestacionales, entre el 3 al 5% ocurren debido a esta patología. La placentitis se presenta generalmente en el último tercio de la gestación y existen 4 tipos que se clasifican según las lesiones morfológicas y la patogénesis que presentan: Mucoide focal (nocardioforme), difusa (hematógena), multifocal y de tipo ascendente.

Placentitis is an infectious pathology that directly affects the placenta causing abortions, stillbirths, premature births and/or compromised foals in equines, it is frequently diagnosed and it is estimated that, in terms of gestational losses, between 3 to 5% occur due to this pathology. Placentitis generally occurs in the last third of pregnancy and there are 4 types that are classified according to the morphological lesions and the pathogenesis they present: focal mucoid (nocardioform), diffuse (hematogenous), multifocal, and ascending type


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