Causes, diagnosis, and treatment of Cystic Ovarian disease in Dairy Cows
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La presente investigación tiene como propósito recopilar información bibliográfica actual e histórica sobre la Enfermedad ovárica quística (EOQ). Un síndrome reproductivo que afecta principalmente a las hembras bovinas de alta producción de leche, generando en el ovario de la vaca una estructura conocido como quiste, este puede ser de origen luteal o folicular y se puede distinguir como una estructura mayor a 22 mm con una persistencia mayor a 6 días, se conoce que esto se debe a fallas en el eje hipotalámico-hipofisiariogonadal o por diversos factores como: nutricionales, Genéticos, Endocrinos.
The objective of this research is to collect bibliographic information on Cystic Ovarian Disease (EOQ). A reproductive syndrome that mainly affects bovine females with high milk production, generating a structure known as a cyst in the cow's ovary, this can be of luteal or follicular origin and can be distinguished as a structure greater than 17mm with a persistent greater than 6 days, it is known that this is due to failures in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis due to various factors such as: nutritional, genetic, endocrine, causing affectation in the economic and reproductive indices of production