Training techniques and improvement of physical performance in sport horses of the jumping modality of the school of mounted and equestrian units of the national army "Esume": literary review.
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La forma de entrenamiento en equinos de deporte es similar tanto cuando son potros o ya cuando tienen edades maduras, lo que se debe tener en cuenta es el proceso después de identificada la aptitud (salto, adiestramiento, enduro y prueba completa), la cual se debe acentuar más en su entrenamiento, el cual puede ser con hidroterapia, el uso de caminador, cintas ergométricas e intensivo y acondicionamiento.
The form of training in sports equines is similar both when they are foals or when they have mature ages, what must be taken into account is the process after identifying the aptitude (jumping, training, enduro and complete test), which should be accentuated more in their training, which can be with hydrotherapy, the use of walker, ergometric and intensive treadmills and conditioning.