Monograph: Equine gastric ulcer and possible therapeutic support with medicine traditional chinese – acupuncture for animal welfare in this productive sector.
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El Síndrome de Úlcera Gástrica Equina (SUGE) surge como concepto desde 1999. actualmente, se ha sugerido utilizar el término SUGE de manera general para describir las enfermedades erosivas y ulcerativas del estómago en los caballos, promoviéndose así, la distinción entre la Enfermedad Gástrica Escamosa Equina y la Enfermedad Gástrica Glandular Equina, debido a las notables diferencias en su presentación.
Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome (EGUS) was first described as a concept in 1999. Currently, the term EGUS has been suggested as a general way to describe erosive and ulcerative diseases of the stomach in horses, thus promoting the distinction between Equine Squamous Gastric Disease and Equine Gastric Glandular Disease, due to the notable differences in their presentation.