Identification of bovine mastitis in GYR breed cows located in Puerto Salgar. Recognition of risk factors associated with milking management (mechanical and manual), diagnosis and treatment.




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Fundación Universitaria Agraria de Colombia


El estudio se realizó en la Finca La Gloria ubicada en Puerto salgar Cundinamarca vereda La Ceiba, realizando muestreos en los periodos de Mayo, Junio y Julio del 2023; con el objetivo de identificar la presencia de mastitis en los hatos de Gyr Lechero de la empresa los cuales están divididos en 2 lotes, el lote 1 con ordeño mecánico y el lote 2 en ordeño manual dos veces al díasiendo en total 20 animales para estudio.

The study was carried out at Finca La Gloria located in Puerto Salgar Cundinamarca, village of La Ceiba, taking samples in the periods of May, June and July 2023; with the objective of identifying the presence of mastitis in the Gyr Lechero herds of the company, which are divided into 2 batches, batch 1 with mechanical milking and batch 2 with manual milking twice a day, with a total of 20 animals for study.


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