Comprehensive animal welfare assessment In Old World Primates, Applied On Mantle Papiions (Papio Hamadryas) Foundation Cali Zoo, Colombia
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El bienestar animal, su estudio y evaluación ha cambiado en los últimos años, pasando de un modelo que buscaba librar a los animales en cautiverio de experiencias negativas y estimular únicamente experiencias positivas, con la integración del modelo de los cinco dominios del bienestar animal, se modificó la perspectiva y se incluyeron experiencias negativas de manera controlada, esta evolución sobre el bienestar animal ha motivado a los zoológicos a conocer y desarrollar herramientas que permitan evaluar de manera completa el bienestar animal
Animal welfare, its study and evaluation has changed in recent years, going from a model that sought to rid animals in captivity of negative experiences and stimulate only positive experiences, with the integration of the model of the five domains of the animal welfare, the perspective was modified and negative experiences were included in a way that This evolution in animal welfare has motivated zoos to learn about and Develop tools that